About NI Water
It costs around £680m each year to deliver water services in Northern Ireland. Thousands of assets at a value of around £3bn, are operated and maintained to provide these services. This includes over 43,000km of water mains and sewers - one and a half times longer than Northern Ireland’s entire road network and long enough to circle planet earth.

Every aspect of life in Northern Ireland depends upon the services we deliver. Our business is essential for a healthy and thriving population, a growing economy, and a flourishing natural environment. Our focus is delivering high quality, clean, safe drinking water and recycling wastewater safely to the environment today and tomorrow. That has always been, and remains, our core mission, today and tomorrow.
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Business performance
2023/24 was the third year of our six-year PC21 Business Plan (2021-27). Our PC21 plan, endorsed by the Utility Regulator,
was ambitious and set out the step change in investment required to improve water and sewerage infrastructure, facilitate economic growth and protect the environment. The plan also challenged NI Water to deliver further performance improvements for our customers while continuing to drive down costs and embrace innovation.
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