Non-Domestic Water and Sewerage Charges
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
These FAQs provide answers to your queries in relation to billing.
Unmeasured Customers
What sort of repayment options are available?
NI Water will assess payment difficulties on a case-by-case basis. We urge you to contact us on our Billing Line on 0345 877 0030 and we can discuss your circumstances and explore options available to you and come to a suitable, sustainable payment arrangement.
Are any discounts available?
NI Water is unable to offer customers any discounts on our bills.
What NAV is my bill based on?
Unmeasured bills are based on the latest Land & Property Services valuation list, which came into effect on 1 April 2024.
I would prefer to be billed based on metered charges.
Contact us at customer[DOT]billing[AT]niwater[DOT]com and we will investigate if it is possible for a meter to be installed on your supply. If it is possible, you will remain liable for unmeasured charges up until the date the meter is physically installed.
I’m not paying NIW for the full 12 months, I’ll only pay for the months that my business/organisation is open.
Unmeasured annual bills include charges for the full 12 month charging period (1 Apr 2024 – 31 March 2025).
For a property that is not served by a metered connection to the water mains supply, the charging mechanism for services provided to the property are unmeasured water and sewerage charges which consist of a standing charge and a variable charge:
- the standing charge is a ‘fixed charge’ applied to all unmeasured properties; and
- the variable charge is based on the property’s Net Annual Valuation (NAV) as set by Land and Property Services (LPS) and used by NI Water as the basis for your annual bill for water and sewerage services provided to the property.
The standing ‘fixed’ charge component of unmeasured charges covers the fixed costs of maintaining the NI Water supply infrastructure to the property.
Unmeasured charges by their nature can only reflect estimated consumption. Use of a water meter to ensure charges reflect actual consumption remains NI Water’s preferred method of billing non-domestic customers.
The NI Water charging policy for unoccupied unmeasured non-domestic properties (as referenced in the current Scheme of Charges and approved by the Utility Regulator and the Consumer Council NI) is:
10.4 Where a customer is liable to pay unmeasured water and sewerage charges, the charges are payable where a furnished property is connected to water and sewerage services regardless of whether or not services are actually used
Metered Customers
I’m unable to pay my latest bill. Will my premises be disconnected?
We urge you to contact us on our Billing Line on 0345 877 0030 and we can discuss your circumstances and explore suitable and sustainable payment options available to you.
Are any discounts available?
There are no discounts available for metered customers, other than the normal domestic allowance and non-return to sewer allowance.
I’ve had to permanently close my business. Can you arrange a temporary/permanent disconnection of the meter?
Complete the relevant form located here: and send to customer[DOT]billing[AT]niwater[DOT]com.
I have a leak on my supply which took/is taking longer than normal to get repaired due to the current situation. What will happen to my bill?
NI Water will assess these queries on a case-by-case basis.
Questions Common to both Unmeasured / Metered Customers
Why is NI Water introducing new tariffs at this time?
We are acutely aware this is a challenging time for local businesses and the economy as a whole. Like many of our business customers, NI Water continues to face significant financial pressures from continued high energy prices and other cost increases.
Whilst any increase is of course unwelcome, we have worked hard to ensure most of our customers will see their bills rise by less than inflation. Specific bill changes operate according to a formula agreed with the Northern Ireland Utility Regulator
It is well documented that NI Water needs to receive full funding to ensure we continue to deliver a water and sewerage service that represents good value for money. The revenue from bills will help support necessary investment in our infrastructure, benefitting the local economy and environment.
Measured customer bills will rise by 4.1%, while unmeasured and trade effluent bills will rise by 5.3% and 6.8% respectively.
NI Water is mindful of the impact of price rises and it is therefore important that customers who may need extra help with their bill communicate with us as soon as possible. Our billing team will be on hand to offer guidance, including payment breaks or longer repayment plans.
Customers can access our online self-service portal when paying a bill, managing account(s), or viewing water consumption details.
I am no longer responsible for the property. What do I do?
If you have recently vacated the property, please contact us providing evidence such as a proof of sale, or your tenancy agreement. You will remain liable for charges up until the date you vacated the property.

Understanding your bill
Both metered and unmeasured (unmetered) customer bills have a standing charge element. This standing charge is a fixed charge which includes the cost of providing a water supply.