how to save water

Record Requests

Identify What you Need

  • You will need to be aware of any of our services below your site. An A4 printed record will usually allow for sufficient detail of this.
  • If a larger map is required, additional costs will apply.

Application & Payment

  • You should download and submit a Record Request Form (including a site location plan), clearly indicating your site boundary in red.
  • You should complete and return it with your payment to developerservices[AT]niwater[DOT]com

Record Issued

  • We will issue you a copy of our mapping records.
  • This will allow you to see the location of our existing watermains and sewers.

Record Requests


An extract of data can be obtained from NI Water’s Graphical Information System (which incorporates sewer/watermain infrastructure) by applying for a Record Request. This involves processing applications of the specified area to include the location of our infrastructure and the provision of same by means of electronic or printed copies.

Please note that the applicant is required to submit a Site Location Plan 1:1250 / 1:2500 map (LPS ACE map will suffice) with the site boundary clearly indicated in red and relative to an existing feature to allow for the specified area to be easily identified. The area where information is required must be covered in full by the site boundary outlined in red on the site location plan, failure to indicate the full area of interest will result in an application fee for an additional map.

In general most of the Record Requests processed allow for a suitable amount of detail when printed on A4. However if you request a size that does not provide a suitable amount of detail, a larger map will be required, you will be notified of any additional costs that should be paid prior to the Record Request being issued. Additional copies of our records will incur an additional cost per copy. There is a cost for this service in accordance with our current Scheme of Charges.

Standard Information Provided in a Record Request

We will endeavour to issue maps in electronic format rather than issuing printed copies, so please ensure your email address is included on all correspondence.

Maps issued by email will be in PDF file with information embedded into the record drawings for the selected area. You will be able to access information on a particular feature, including the type of asset, pipe diameter, pipe material and manhole depths.

The position and attributes of NI Water infrastructure shown on the map should be regarded as approximate and should not be relied upon. NI Water does not accept liability for loss or damage to any person or property caused as a result of any inaccuracy in the information. For health and safety reasons it is your responsibility to determine the exact location of NI Water infrastructure, prior to any excavation work being undertaken and it is recommended that hand dug trial holes are used to determine the precise location.

Application and enquiries

You may apply in writing using Application Form RR1 – A257/8

Alternatively the records can be viewed free of charge at the address below by appointment only (Mon - Fri 1000 -1200 or 1400 - 1600 excluding Bank / Public Holidays). Appointments may last only 30 minutes max, as they are scheduled on a 30 minute basis.

  • This is a viewing service only.
  • If you require an electronic or hard copy at this stage you will be advised to make a formal application as in the process identified above, where the relevant charges will apply.

Enquiries should be addressed to:

Developer Services – Servicing Team
Northern Ireland Water
Ballykeel Office
188 Larne Road
Co Antrim BT42 3HA

Telephone: 03458 770 003
Email: developerservices[AT]niwater[DOT]com

For more information on how NI Water lawfully processes personal data please refer to our Privacy Notice:

Property Certificates

All Property Certificate queries should be forwarded by email to

Any Property Certificate Query must include: 

  • Property Certificate Reference number 
  • A Copy of the Property Certificate response 
  • Associated map 
  • Specific details of the relevant query

Property Certificate queries are responded to by a Technical Advisor within 10 working days 

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