A1 Lane Closure – NI Water carries out emergency repair work at Hillsborough roundabout
06 December 2023 16:09

NI Water is carrying out emergency repair work on a burst water main on the A1 close to the Hillsborough roundabout. This requires a lane closure which may continue into Friday 8 December.
NI Water Area Manager Natalie Healey said: “NI Water is on site working to complete a major repair to a 7” burst water main that supplies the Culcavey and Ravarnet areas.
“This is a major carriageway and a lane closure is therefore necessary to allow NI Water to complete the emergency repair safely. The depth of the pipe and the ground conditions mean this is a challenging repair and we also need to take into consideration other utilities in the area.
“We fully appreciate the frustration and inconvenience this road closure will cause. Please be assured our team is working as fast as possible to complete this emergency repair work by Friday 8th December 2023.”
Media enquiries to the NI Water Press Office via email to press.office@niwater.com