£500,000 NI Water wastewater infrastructure upgrade to get underway in Rasharkin
28 June 2023 16:04

NI Water is due to begin a £500,000 upgrade at Moneyleck Wastewater Pumping Station (WwPS), located off the Finvoy Road, Rasharkin in mid-July.
The upgrade – which will take around 6 weeks to complete – will see a complete overhaul of the existing pumping station as well as the installation of a new larger diameter pumping main. This significant NI Water investment will strengthen the wastewater network, cater for development and provide better environmental protection in the area.
Speaking about the work and the associated traffic management arrangements, Paul Hamilton, NI Water Project Manager said: “The upgrade to the pumping station will take place within the existing Moneyleck WwPS site. As part of the improvements, the existing underground tank will be increased in size and new mechanical and electrical equipment will be fitted. The existing building within the site will be demolished and a kiosk will be installed in its place. The existing WwPS will remain operational during the upgrade work.
“To provide a more robust network and meet future demand, a new larger diameter pipeline is required. Due to the location of services - including the existing pumping main, which also needs to be kept operational while work is ongoing - the new pipeline will be installed along the Finvoy Road, extending from Moneyleck WwPS to the 30MPH speed limit just past 289A Finvoy Road.
“To carry out the work as safely as possible, the Finvoy Road will need to be closed to through traffic for the duration of the work. To minimise disruption to school traffic, the work and associated road closure has been planned to take place during the summer months, from Monday 17th July until Friday 25th August.
“Pipelaying will commence on the Finvoy Road, on the outskirts of the village and progress towards the pumping station. Access will be provided to any properties located within the works area, but to reduce the amount of traffic travelling through a working area, NI Water and our appointed contractor, GRAHAM would kindly ask all other residents and commuters to follow the approved diversion route as follows:
- Ballymoney bound - Bann Road , Ballymaconnelly Road, Finvoy Road
- Rasharkin bound - Finvoy Road, Ballymaconnelly Road, Bann Road
“A letter drop has been undertaken in the area and signage will be erected in advance. Access will be provided for emergency services and liaison with stakeholders in the area will be maintained as the work progresses.
“NI Water would take this opportunity to advise residents that construction traffic will be travelling along Finvoy Road and the wider Rasharkin area during this work. We would also highlight that construction sites are dangerous areas for unauthorised persons, especially children and we would appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that children do not play in or around any site or machinery. Working areas will have warning signs in place to protect the public from any hazards. The public are advised to stay away from these working areas for their own safety.
“NI Water and our project team from RPS and GRAHAM thank the public for their patience and cooperation as we carry out this essential upgrade work. The team will strive to minimise the impact of these works on the local community and deliver these improvements in a safe, efficient and timely way.”
Media enquiries to the NI Water Press Office via email to press.office@niwater.com