Wat-er you doing to save energy?
22 May 2023 9:16

Water Saving Week in May is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of how important it is to save water, not just during the summer months but throughout the year! With rising energy costs there is no better time to dust off old habits and create some new ones that are good for your pocket and the environment. NI Water is encouraging the public to have a look at the way they can save water and save money at the same time!
Start by thinking how much water you are using each day. Whether you are washing your hands, cleaning endless amounts of dishes or getting through that mountain of washing, you start to realise just how important water is and the sheer amount we use.
Check out some of our water saving tips below:
- Find and test your internal stop tap - where your water supply comes into your home - as you may need to turn the water off in an emergency.
- Check the boiler’s service history and that there is a lid and adequate insulation on the cold water tank (usually in the loft) - and always use a Gas Safe registered engineer for servicing.
- Look out for leaky toilets, taps and radiators – tell-tale signs are low water pressure, rust and water stains on the floors or carpets, or mould on ceilings and walls.
- Find out if your home has any lead water pipes – these are shiny when scraped with a screwdriver (always wash your hands after testing). Lead can be harmful so it’s a good idea to replace these.
- Check if you have a water meter as you will be billed for the amount of water you use if you do. It’s usually in the ground outside the front of your home, or inside near the stop tap.
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth - A running tap can use 6 litres of water per minute.
- Use a bowl for washing vegetables - Then you can reuse this water for plants.
- Make full use of your washing machine - Half load programmes on washing machines use more than half the water and energy of a full load, so wait until the machine is full before switching it on.
- Keep a jug of water in the fridge, instead of letting the tap run cold.
- Use a watering can instead of a hose - A hose uses over 500 litres of water an hour enough to fill 12 baths.
If you want to ‘Get Water Fit’, complete our online water audit at https://www.getwaterfit.co.uk or take part in water saving challenges and receive your free water saving items including 4 minute shower timer, toothy timers and swell gel bags for the garden.
For more information please contact press.office@niwater.com