Watermains Improvement Work Gets Underway - Carland Road, Dungannon
01 July 2020 15:50

Work will commence on the 13th July, from the junction of Altmore Drive to Rossmore Road and will take approximately 2 weeks to complete. In order to complete this work efficiently and safely, a road closure will be in place. Works will be completed in sections to minimise disruption to the public and the diversion route will be via Quarry Lane – Mullaghmore Road – Tullycullion Road – A29.
Traffic management and signage will be in place as the work progresses. Pedestrian access will also remain in place at all times but on street parking will be temporarily suspended within the works area.
NI Water and our contractor Farrans Construction would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation during this essential improvement work that will improve water services in the area and assure the public that we will do everything possible to keep all disruption to a minimum.
A few key points to remember:
• If we need to visit your home during this time, to keep you and us safe, please make our staff aware if you are self-isolating. We will also ask you to respect social distancing for our colleagues if they are on your property.
• Beware of Bogus Callers – if you are concerned about the identity of someone at your door, you can call the PSNI non-emergency number ‘101’ where you will have the option of a ‘Quickcheck’ to confirm the caller is from the utility they say they are.
• Do not let children go near work sites or equipment, this can be extremely dangerous.
Information on water supply issues affecting your property are also available 24/7 simply by logging onto http://www.niwater.com/current-service-updates/
Customers can also register for our free text alert service, which keeps you updated about anything that may impact on the water supply or any of our other services in the area by registering at the following link: https://www.niwater.com/register-for-keeping-you-informed/
For further advice log on to https://www.niwater.com/covid19/
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office on 02890 354710 or email press.office@niwater.com