Extension to Sewer Works - Movilla Road, Newtownards
16 September 2019 16:59
NI Water commenced work on a foul sewer upgrade on the Movilla Road, Newtownards on Monday 22nd of July. These works were originally programme for 7 weeks, however, due to difficult ground conditions, and additional unknown services the work will now take approximately 15 weeks. We anticipate all work will be complete by the end of October 2019.
The project is being carried out to serve a new housing development on Movilla Road, and will involve laying 254m of foul sewer and associated manholes.
Detailed traffic management arrangements have been discussed with the Department for Infrastructure to try to minimise the impact of these works on residents, road users and the public. In order for the works to be carried out safely, a temporary lane closure will remain in place on Movilla Road for the duration of the works. Two-way traffic will be maintained with temporary traffic signals during this time. Vehicular access for residents will be maintained as far as possible and pedestrian access will remain available at all times.
Working hours will generally be 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday; however, it may be necessary at times for work to be carried out outside of these hours.
NI Water and our contractor BSG Civil Engineering Ltd. would like to thank the public for their ongoing patience and cooperation during the completion of these essential works. We assure you that we will continue do everything that we can to keep all disruption to a minimum, and ensure the work is completed as soon as practicably possible.
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office on 02890 354710 or email press.office@niwater.com