5,000 Reasons Why NI Water Are Best In Show
24 May 2018 15:02

The Balmoral Show is one of the highlights of the year, and this year, not only did NI Water win best trade stand in the pavilion, they also rewarded visitors with 5,000 reusable water bottles!
As the show continues to get bigger, so too did the crowds flowing to the NI Water stand at this year’s event at Lisburn’s Balmoral Park, where they learnt about how NI Water is delivering what matters in health, economic and environmental terms for everyone in Northern Ireland.
NI Water staff were on hand to give thousands of visitors a taste of exactly what the company does by providing reusable water bottles filled with thirst busting tap water. With drinking water now at the highest quality on record, staying hydrated and reducing plastic waste is a win-win for everyone.
Christine McAllister of NI Water comments, ‘‘NI Water is always delighted to attend the Balmoral Show, we welcome the opportunity to get out and about to promote our key messages on the economy, the environment and health for the entire community, as well as highlighting the scale of our investment in water and wastewater.
‘‘To provide a sense of scale, NI Water provides 570 million litres of fresh drinking water and takes away 340 million litres of wastewater every day. Thousands of assets, at a value approaching £3 billion, are operated and maintained to provide these services.
“This includes over 40,000 kilometres of water mains and sewers - one and half times longer than Northern Ireland’s entire road network. By lunchtime every day, we've already delivered 138 million litres of clean, fresh water to homes and businesses!”
Check out our Facebook and Twitter accounts for photos and get tagging and sharing with your friends! For more information on our key messages, please visit our website: www.niwater.com
All media enquiries to NI Water Press Office on 028 9035 4757 or email press.office@niwater.com