Delivering What Matters for Ten Years
31 March 2017 12:09

NI Water recently held an event at Parliament Buildings at Stormont to highlight the achievements of the company’s first ten years - delivering what matters for the people of Northern Ireland.
Setting up home for the day in the Long Gallery, NI Water was on site to give visitors – ranging from businesses and local water industry suppliers – a taste of exactly what the company does to provide the water and wastewater services we all rely on every day. From promoting key messages to encouraging visitors to undertake a ‘taste test’ between our tap water and commercial bottled water, as well as explaining the scale of our investment over the last decade, there was something for everyone!
NI Water’s investment since 2007 has been immense, and we have never had a more robust water and wastewater system, although there is still work to be done. In all, NI Water spends approximately £2 million every week in water and wastewater services. Some highlights of NI Water’s investment over the last decade include: £160 million in the Belfast Sewers Project, the ongoing £100 million Watermains Rehabilitation Project, £45 million in the North Coast wastewater project, £17.7 million in the North Down strategic trunk watermain scheme and much more besides.
Sara Venning Chief Executive of NI Water said: ‘‘NI Water’s first ten years have seen sustained improvements in the delivery of water and wastewater services in Northern Ireland as we strive to play our part in meeting the demands of a growing 21st Century economy; every day of the year, we safely treat and deliver 560 million litres of water to homes and businesses, as well as removing and cleaning over 330 million litres of wastewater before returning it safely to the environment. By any measurement, we are delivering what matters for the whole community, day in, day out.
‘‘The event ensured that the story of NI Water’s work on behalf of all our customers was told. It’s a great way to mark our tenth anniversary and an even better way to open the next chapter of another ten years delivering what matters for homes and businesses in every community in Northern Ireland.’’