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£8 million Investment at Magherafelt Complete

16 August 2012 11:31

Paul Davison, Minister Danny Kennedy, Alec McQuillan, Trevor Haslett and Bill Gowdy | NI Water News
NI Water is pleased to announce the completion of a £8 million upgrade at Magherafelt Wastewater Treatment Works.

Welcoming the project’s completion, Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy said: “This project represents a major investment for Magherafelt and the surrounding area. It will bring significant benefits to the local environment, whilst meeting the needs of the growing population in the area.

“The facility has been designed to meet the latest Environment Agency and European standards for wastewater treatment and will have a hugely positive impact on the quality of water in the Moyola River”.

Trevor Haslett, Chief Executive of NI Water added:

“The new upgraded Wastewater Treatment Works will provide an enhanced quality of service for our customers in the wider Magherafelt area. We were keen to develop a site that would improve wastewater facilities, improve river water quality in the Moyola River and meet environmental compliance standards. The improvements made at the upgraded site will also accommodate new development and future demand in the area.

“NI Water is currently investing approximately £3 million per week improving water and wastewater services throughout Northern Ireland and the upgrade of Magherafelt WwTW is one of the many projects being undertaken to deliver a 21st century infrastructure to Northern Ireland.”

The project is an excellent example of NI Water working with local companies. Magherafelt WwTW was completed by Maghera-based BSG Ltd, Mallusk company, Williams Industrial Services and Belfast-based McAdam Design.

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