A2 Watermains Upgrade Continues
20 July 2012 16:27
NI Water would like to inform customers that work is progressing well on a £2 Million investment to improve and upgrade the watermains network in the North Down area. The work will re-commence this weekend starting at 7pm on Friday 20th July. This section of work will take place from the Glen Road to the Seahill Road (Belfast bound traffic) and from the Seahill Road to the Glen Road (Bangor- bound traffic) This section of work will be completed by 6am on Monday 23rd July.Works along the A2 Bangor/Belfast Road commenced at the Old Quay Road and will be completed in sections, finishing at the Ballyrobert Road. These works will take place between the hours of 7pm on a Friday and 6am on a Monday (working over a 24 hour period) in order to avoid disruption to weekday traffic flow. Traffic lane restrictions will be required to facilitate the works however, two-way traffic will be maintained at all times.
NI Water and its contractor Lagan Construction have completed letter drops in affected areas to advise residents of this work, and these will be followed up with more detailed weekly update letters to customers immediately adjacent to the work areas. We would like to thank customers and the traveling public in advance for their co-operation and patience during this essential improvement work. There will be increased noise and construction traffic in the area which will result in some disruption while this work takes place, but we would like to assure customers that every effort will be made to keep it to a minimum.
Gary Curran, Head of NI Water’s Watermains Rehabilitation Programme said:
“The project is part of NI Water’s ongoing £100 million Watermains Rehabilitation Programme throughout Northern Ireland which involves upgrading and improving in excess of 1000 kilometres of watermain infrastructure throughout Northern Ireland over the next five years.
“Once complete, this project will be good news for the local area as the upgraded watermains will improve the reliability and flexibility of water supply, drinking water quality and will also help reduce leakage.”
NI Water’s customer relations team can also be contacted via Waterline on 08457 440088. Customers with any questions on the scheme should quote “A2/ North Down Bangor Watermains Rehabilitation Programme.”