2012 ‘Cares Challenge’
06 March 2012 10:37

Trevor Haslett, NI Water’s CEO, participated in the first of twelve activities set up throughout Northern Ireland:
“We have recently introduced a new and improved volunteering policy within the company. In line with this policy, I am pleased to announce our ‘Cares Challenge’ programme of volunteering activities throughout 2012. The new policy increases the time employees can spend undertaking volunteering activities during working hours to help benefit the greater community.
“I have recently volunteered at Forth River Primary School, right here in North Belfast where our head office is situated, helping them tidy up a garden area which included repairing a pond and the fencing surrounding it. This was a task that took little time to complete, given the enthusiastic team, but yet made a huge difference to the school who otherwise might not have had the time or money to do it. I am delighted with the commitment of our staff who took the time to make a difference to the community in which we work. I would also like to thank the local NIFRS for their help when it came to testing the new pond liner.”
Kieran Harding, Managing Director, Business in the Community, adds:
“Organisations and businesses who actively participate in challenges in the community can make a tremendous difference in a short period of time.
“Volunteering is one way in which businesses can start to build real relationships and help to transform the communities they live and work in. Staff benefit too as it’s a valuable way to have fun, learn and develop new skills.”
The activities are planned for various groups throughout Northern Ireland and will be led by a member of NI Water's Executive Committee/Board with up to 14 colleagues joining them from around the business.