Work underway on £1.2 million Wastewater Treatment Works in Dungannon
23 September 2011 11:29

John McGrane, NI Water project manager for the scheme said:
“The new plant at Brockagh Terrace will benefit the local community by improving wastewater services in the area. The modern new processes being installed will increase the capacity of the system to accommodate development in the area for the foreseeable future and will bring about environmental improvements, ensuring that wastewater treatment in the locality meets Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) compliance standards.
“NI Water and our contractor BSG Civil Engineering would like to thank the public for their patience and co-operation as we carry out these essential improvements over the next eight months. We would also like to reassure residents in the area that all drivers of delivery vehicles associated with the construction works will be advised of the residential nature of the access route to the site and will insist they take additional care while travelling through the area.”