NI Water's Stakeholder Forum
02 August 2011 14:19

Organisations in attendance included, the British Red Cross, Western Health Trust; Southern Health Trust; Health and Social Care Board; CCNI; British Deaf Association; NIAUR; NIE; Age NI; and PSNI.
Sara Venning, NI Water’s Director of Customer Service Delivery and chair of the event commented:
"During the freeze/thaw incident of last winter, NI Water forged some excellent relationships with a number of key organisations. These organisations proved invaluable in helping NI Water communicate with some of our most vulnerable customers.
"The purpose of the forum was to build on those relationships, discuss what worked well and what could be done to improve the service NI Water provides to customers. It was also an excellent vehicle to promote our Customer Care Register.
"The Customer Care Register is a service that offers a range of free additional services for customers who are older, have a serious medical condition or need extra help for any other reason. Services such as the password scheme, special advice and leaflets in various formats are all available for our customers to benefit from.
"The password scheme in particular is one in which many of our older customers should consider given the risk of bogus callers. It involves setting up a password with our customer relations centre that NI Water staff will use when calling to your home. We can also liaise with carers on behalf of a customer and provide leaflets in formats such as Braille and on CD."
The event was a great success as it brought together a network of interested parties who have a responsibility to vulnerable customers. Any organization working with the community and are interested in joining NI Water’s list of stakeholders can contact Graeme Smyth on