Northern Ireland Water Brings Fun and Learning to St Anne's Primary School
15 September 2010 11:15

Water for Health was the main topic of the day, where the children discovered the importance of drinking water and learnt to identify the symptoms and effects of dehydration.
The children were introduced to H20, a water drop figure and mascot for the programme. They also took part in practical demonstrations and games to explain how much water children should drink each day and how much of the body is made up of water. After discussing both tap and bottled water, pupils took part in a taste test to see if they could tell the difference.
NI Water’s Environmental Education Manager, Jane Jackson said:
‘‘NI Water places great importance on educating young people in the vital role water plays in our lives. H2O is a fun way for children to learn about why water is essential for good health and how they can help to conserve this precious resource.
“We are delighted with the positive feedback we have received from schools who have participated in our education programme. It’s a fantastic way for us to work within the local community and educate future generations of water users!’
The programme is aimed at Key Stage 2 and designed to complement a key element of the Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum – the ‘World Around Us’.
A teachers’ learning pack, with further classroom activities is available to download from