NI Water provides essential services for all our customers throughout Northern Ireland.
We offer a range of free additional services if you are an older consumer, have a serious medical condition or need extra help for any other reason.
You need to join our Customer Care Register to get the extra free services you or anyone in your household would like to receive.
Doorstep Service
If you have a hearing difficulty we will knock the door louder and speak clearly when we call with you. If you have a mobility problem we will allow more time for you to answer the door.
Password scheme
You can ask for a password to help you identify our staff. Please arrange a password with us. Our staff will always use this password when they visit you.
If someone claims to work for us but does not know your password, do not let them in.
Instead, please get in touch with us and we will check to see if the caller really works for us.
Carers Contact Service
You can name a carer or relative who:
- can contact us on your behalf
- we can contact if we need to reach you at anytime
- we can post information directly to
Special Advice
We will try our best to resolve any concerns you may have by phone. If we can't we will arrange an appointment to visit you at your home.
Information leaflets
All of our information leaflets and letters are available:
- in Braille;
- in large print; and
- on CD and audio tape.
To register for this service please fill in the form below. Alternatively, telephone Waterline on 03457 440088. Customers with hearing difficulties can use Typetalk through Waterline.