how to save water

Get in touch


Our Complaints Procedure

We work hard to provide the best possible service but sometimes things can go wrong and mistakes can be made. When this happens and it affects you, please let us know.

A copy of our full complaints procedure can be downloaded from the Related information section on this page.

How do you make a complaint?

If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service you can call us on:

Waterline: 03457 44 00 88

Our Waterline service is staffed 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

You can also submit your complaint online by filling in the Contact Form found here.

Alternatively, you can email us.

Email: waterline[AT]niwater[DOT]com

(Please note that emails and complaints submitted online are not monitored outside of normal office hours, on public holidays or during weekends.
If you need to inform us about a matter that requires immediate attention, please contact us using the telephone number above.)

You can also get in touch by post:

Northern Ireland Water
PO Box 2376,
BT13 3DX

If you contact us by post or email, please include any information which will help us when handling your complaint such as Customer reference, full supply address details, relevant dates etc. A contact telephone number would also be helpful in case we need to get in touch to clarify any information relating to your complaint.


Internal Review

If you are unhappy with how we responded to your complaint, you can let us know and we’ll review our handling of your initial complaint. This review will fall under the responsibility of a manager who has the authority to override or support the original response. You will receive a response within 10 working days.

Independent help and advice

If you remain unhappy with how we initially dealt with your complaint or would like free, independent advice, you can contact The Consumer Council. 

Telephone: 0800 121 6022
E-mail: contact[AT]consumercouncil[DOT]org[DOT]uk
The Consumer Council
Floor 3
Seatem House
28-32 Alfred Street

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