how to save water

How to save water

Why save water at home

Why save water at home

We get plenty of rain in Northern Ireland but this rainwater has to be cleaned at our treatment works before it goes into the taps. So the less water we waste the more cost effective the system is.

We all have a part to play to ensure there's enough water for everyone now and in the future.

In this section you will find tips, advice and simple ways you can save water in the bathroom, kitchen and garden and use our tips and pledges to find out how much water you could save.


Some Water Facts about the Kitchen:

  • Washing machines use approximately 60 litres per cycle.
  • Dishwashers use approximately 40 litres of water per cycle.
  • A dripping tap can waste up to 30 litres of water per day.
  • Drinking water is only 4% of our daily water usage.
  • Clothes washing equates to a whopping 13% of our daily water usage and washing up of dishes takes up 8%.

So, do you want to be more water wise around the kitchen?
Then adopt some of our water saving tips below!

Water saving tips

  • Tip 1

    Put on a full load of washing or use the half load / economy setting

  • Tip 2

    Don’t rinse plates before putting them in the dishwasher – that’s what the dishwasher is for!

  • Tip 3

    Don’t use a running tap to wash your hands, dishes or vegetables – put the plug in or use a bowl instead

  • Tip 4

    Defrost food in the fridge or the microwave, not under a running tap

  • Tip 5

    Only fill the kettle to the amount of water you need – if you’re only making two cups of tea, don’t fill it to the brim!

  • Tip 6

    Use a jug or sports water bottle to chill your tap water in the fridge instead of running the tap

  • Tip 7

    Super Tip: Use the water from your dishes to water your plants, the soapy water will keep the green fly away!

Contact Information

Waterline 0345 744 0088 (Lines open 24 hours 7 days a week)
Operational emergencies, service requests, fault reporting and complaints

Leakline 0800 028 2011 (Lines open 24 hours 7 days a week)
Reporting leaks in public supply system

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