Help Beat ‘Exam Fever’ – Keep Yourself Topped Up With Water!
02 June 2016 11:29

Water helps to increase concentration and improve memory. It also reduces the risk of cramps and tiredness, helps with healthy skin, bones, hair and nails as well as providing extra energy; very useful for those late night, eve of exam cramming sessions!
While tutors, study manuals and brain-boosting vitamins are all well and good, a cheaper and simpler option could be so obvious you don’t think about it – a simple glass of water.
Pat McCauley, Environmental Education Officer at NI Water, comments, “One of NI Water's initiatives is 'Water for Health' which is aimed at raising awareness of the importance of drinking water as part of a healthy lifestyle.
“NI Water is keen to encourage young people to drink plenty of water, especially during exam time, when studying is a fact of life for many and the motivation to keep going can be hard to find. Even slight dehydration can cause feelings of tiredness and reduced alertness, which will affect someone’s interest in being active, therefore impacting on their overall wellbeing.”
Water is a basic nutrient of the human body and is essential for survival. It is essential to keep yourself well hydrated and to flush toxins from your system whilst retaining vital vitamins and minerals. Water forms a major part of our blood (over 80%), lubricates joints and eyes, aids digestion, and helps you look better by keeping your skin smooth.
NI Water's aim is to raise awareness in the value of high quality tap water and the associated health benefits from drinking tap water. The 'Water for Health' initiative encourages you to keep hydrated by drinking the recommended daily amount of water.
Remember – drinking water is for life, not just for exam season!
All media enquiries to NI Water press office on or telephone 028 9035 4757.