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Armagh Sewerage Improvement Scheme

16 October 2015 15:50

NI Water would like to update you on the £3 million programme currently being carried out to improve the sewerage network in Armagh.

NI Water plan to complete a major junction crossing at the Courthouse roundabout during the school mid-term break from 25th October to 30th October 2015. This programme of works has been agreed following detailed consultations with Transport NI to minimise disruption to school and commuter traffic.

The construction work involved in this major junction crossing will require the road in front of the Courthouse to be closed in both directions. Two-way traffic will be maintained along Mall West and Lonsdale Road, however there will be no right hand turn permitted at the junction of College Street with Mall West. The diversion route will be signposted but delays should be expected.

When the crossing of this junction has been completed, work will progress along Mall West. This will require a lane closure until mid-November; thereafter two-way traffic will be restored. During this time there will be parking restrictions along Mall West to maintain traffic flow.

NI Water appreciates that work of this nature can be unavoidably disruptive at certain locations, particularly where traffic diversions are required.  Alongside our appointed contractor, BSG Civil Engineering Ltd, we will work closely with Transport NI and other key stakeholders to minimise inconvenience and disruption to local residents, businesses and road users as far as practicably possible.

When complete the scheme will meet NIEA standards, reduce the risk of ‘out of sewer’ flooding and facilitate future development within Armagh City for the next 30 years by improving and increasing the capacity of the sewerage infrastructure.

NI Water would like to thank the public for their patience and co-operation while this essential work is completed. Customer queries should be directed to Waterline on 03457 440088.

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