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Cushendall Road Sewer Extension – Road Closure

27 January 2014 15:19

NI Water would like to inform the public that we will be carrying out essential road resurfacing on the Cushendall Road from Monday 17th February 2014 for approximately 3 days. Working hours will be from 8am to 5pm each day.

In order to facilitate the works, it will be necessary to close the Cushendall Road to through traffic from Dunclug Park to the Cushendall Road roundabout for the duration of the works. However, a diversion route will be signposted via Broughshane Road and Frys Road.

Access for local residents will be maintained as far as reasonably practicable. The site team will liaise with residents on an individual basis with regard to any specific access requirements.

We will continue to work closely with DRD Roads Service and other public bodies to ensure the programme of work is delivered in a way that causes as little disruption to the surrounding community as possible.

NI Water would like to thank the public in advance for their patience while we complete this essential improvement work, and will do everything we can to minimise disruption in the area.

Customer queries should be directed to Waterline on 08457 440088. Please quote “Farrans Utilities – KB452 Cushendall Sewer Extension.”

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