Loo’ie helping with elf’ing blockages!
20 December 2024 10:42
Loo’ie the Elf has been helping the NI Water Wastewater Team as they work hard to keep our sewer pipes free of blockages and festive fats, oil and grease (FOG).
Anna Killen from NI Water comments: “Each year Loo’ie joins the Wastewater Team as a seasonal worker. He has witnessed a range of items being flushed down the toilet and he will be watching very carefully and reporting back to Santa which areas have been naughty or nice to their loo and sink this year; checking if they have been flushing wipes, sanitary items or pouring FOG down the sink.
“What goes down must come out and those wipes won’t magically disappear, they join forces with a festive fatberg and cause blockages in the sewer. Should you be on Santa’s naughty list, this could end up spilling onto your street or worse, back up into your home!”
As FOG cools, it solidifies; this can then create blockages in the sewerage system, which often results in raw sewage flooding gardens and homes. The impact of this can be devastating for you and your neighbours.
Anna continues: “NI Water is appealing to the public to help us keep the drains clear over this festive period and all year round by not putting their FOG down the kitchen sink and to only flush the 3P’s - pee, poo and paper. The wastewater drain which runs from each house is only a few inches wide and is only designed for human waste and toilet roll. Everyone has a role to play in keeping the drains clear and fat free this Christmas!”
To view the impact of FOG on our sewers visit: http://www.niwater.com/fats-oil-and-grease-fog/
When checking your home is winterproof, why not take the time to check the age of your water supply pipes. For information about how you can find and deal with lead pipes please visit: www.niwater.com/lead-pipes
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