New Wastewater puming station proposed for East Belfast
28 June 2023 12:42

NI Water has announced plans to develop a new Wastewater Pumping Station (WwPS) in the Sydenham area of East Belfast. The proposed pumping station aims to address the impact of flooding in the Sydenham area and forms part of a wider solution to tackle the city’s wastewater capacity issues which are currently curtailing long-term development.
As part of the Living With Water Programme, a project team has been appointed to assist NI Water with the planning, community consultation, engineering, design and construction for this new state-of-the-art WwPS, which will replace the current pumping station at Park Avenue.
The Living With Water Programme, led by the Department for Infrastructure, is a new approach to the provision of drainage and wastewater infrastructure. The objectives of the programme are to provide the drainage and wastewater infrastructure needed to protect Belfast against flooding, enhance the environment and enable the city to grow.
Following the submission of the Planning Application Notice (PAN) to Belfast City Council for the proposed new Sydenham WwPS, a period of Pre-application Community Consultation has commenced. This process provides an opportunity for all interested members of the public to view the proposals and provide feedback in advance of a full planning application being submitted to the Council.
The proposals include the construction of a new Pumping Station on a section of King George V Playing Fields, adjacent to the Sydenham Bypass, and associated access road (subject to agreement with Belfast City Council); the demolition of the existing Sydenham Wastewater Pumping Station located at Park Avenue and reinstatement of the area once the new WwPS has been constructed.
The proposed new WwPS will reduce the likelihood of flooding in the Sydenham area whilst providing a much-needed upgrade to the wastewater infrastructure in East Belfast. This important project will form an integral part of the Living With Water Programme for Belfast.
A consultation website: will be launched on the 22nd June 2023, and a public information event is scheduled to take place on 29th June 2023 from 2pm to 6pm at Dee Street Community Centre, 12-16 Dee St, Belfast BT4 1FT.
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