£7 Million Ravenhill Avenue Flood Alleviation Project Continues – One-Way Closure
10 February 2022 15:49
Work is currently ongoing on NI Water’s £7 Million Flood Alleviation Project, which will benefit the Ravenhill Avenue area of South Belfast.
Some sewers in this part of South Belfast date back to the early 1900’s and are in very poor condition. This essential work will significantly reduce the risk of ‘out-of-sewer’ flooding and environmental pollution in the area. It will also remove a large amount of storm water from the combined sewer, which will provide additional capacity for future development.
We have now commenced work on the next phase of the programme, which involves laying the new storm sewer from Ormeau Park up to the entrance to London Road on Ravenhill Avenue.
In order for this current phase of work to be undertaken safely, it will be necessary to have a one-way road closure in place on the Ravenhill Road Citybound, between the Ormeau Road Roundabout and London Road. This will commence on the 14th February 2022 for approximately 4 weeks. A diversion route will be in place via Ormeau Road/Cromac Street/East Bridge Street and will be clearly signposted. Streets emerging on to Ravenhill Road will have a left turn only in place. The Ravenhill Road will remain open to Countrybound traffic throughout this time.
Additional works to upgrade the existing Watermain on Ravenhill Avenue will also commence mid to late February. The works are due to take 6-8 weeks. Parking restrictions will be in place in the works area as it progresses up the avenue and will continue until phase completion at Cantrell Close. Water supplies may be temporarily interrupted during these works but affected customers will be notified in advance of any planned shutdowns. Further phases of works on Ravenhill Avenue will be communicated in due course.
NI Water and our contractor Geda Construction understand that major work of this nature can be disruptive to the local community. We will continue to liaise directly with any residents and businesses affected by traffic management restrictions throughout the project and will do everything possible to minimise disruption. We would like to thank the public for their continued patience and cooperation as we undertake these essential Flood Alleviation works.
For further information on the project log on to: www.ravenhillavenue.com
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office by emailing: press.office@niwater.com
A few key points to remember:
- We are all practising social distancing – our priority is to keep customers and colleagues safe. So please keep your distance and our workers will carry on with their essential work for you.
- Remember wipes will clog the sewers and result in blockages and flooding – never flush a wipe. For further information log on to www.niwater.com/bag-it-and-bin-it/
- Beware of Bogus Callers – if you are concerned about the identity of someone at your door, you can call the PSNI non-emergency number ‘101’ where you will have the option of a ‘Quickcheck’ to confirm the caller is from the utility they say they are.
- Do not let children go near work sites or equipment, this can be extremely dangerous.
Information on water supply issues affecting your property are also available 24/7 simply by logging onto http://www.niwater.com/current-service-updates/