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Revised PDE Form & Guidance Notes

01 April 2021 10:53

We have a revised Pre Development Enquiry (PDE) application (from 1st April 2021); this needs to be submitted as soon as is practicable and prior to any formal planning submission. The PDE Response will be valid for a period of 18 months. 

‘New’ Impact Assessments Forms (Water and Wastewater) 

Water Impact Assessment Form (Form Reference: W-IA). 

Wastewater Impact Assessment Form (Form Reference: WW-IA) 

Impact assessments are a new process being introduced to replace the current network capacity check process. The Impact Assessment applications are referral applications following the (PDE) Process. 

When you get your PDE response NI Water will advise if you need to move to undertake an impact assessment.

The Impact Assessment service is to assist developers in identifying any possible constraints that may be associated with servicing a development site in terms of water and/or wastewater infrastructure. The Impact Assessment can assist developers in understanding the potential costs and timescales involved in servicing a site prior to land acquisition or in advance of the submission of a planning application. Please refer to their respective Guidance Notes.

‘New’ Build Over Sewer Record Request and Retrospective Build Over Sewer Application 

Build Over Sewer Record Request (Form Reference: BO-RR).

Where you have a property built over a sewer and need to determine if a build over exists you will need to complete this application

 Our Build Over Agreement records will be examined to determine if there is any record of a previous build over agreement within the area identified.

Retrospective Build Over Sewer Application.  (Form Reference: RBO-AP) 

If no prior build over agreement can be found the next step in the process is completion of the ‘Retrospective Build Over Application Form’ for an extension which has been built over a sewer without prior consent from NI Water.

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