Have a great night out at home for a fabulous cause – WaterAid NI Virtual Ball 2021!
22 October 2021 12:22
NI Water is excited to announce that its local WaterAid NI Committee has launched the WaterAid NI Virtual Ball, which will be held virtually on Friday 12th November 2021!
This year’s host will be the fantastic Sarah Travers who will take us through an action-packed evening, including comedy from top comedian Tim McGarry from BBC’s “Hole in the Wall Gang” and “Blame Game” to music from the talented folk band, BEOGA, who recently collaborated with Ed Sheeran and are taking the local music scene by storm!
There are fabulous prizes in store as well as cocktails, dancing demonstrations and more. Why not channel your own Strictly Come dancing star by joining in “The Charleston” with our Ballroom Blitz demonstration!
Relax this year by joining online in the comfort of your own home, while supporting WaterAid, particularly Malawi where 1 in 3 people don’t have access to clean water and 9.6 million people have no decent toilet. You’ll hear from communities in Malawi who will benefit from all funds raised at this event, as well as how the Climate Crisis is affecting the world’s most vulnerable communities.
Sara Venning, NI Water’s Chief Executive and President of WaterAid NI comments:
“The WaterAid ball is the highlight of our annual fundraising calendar, which brings much needed funds to the world’s poorest communities. With fantastic support from our dedicated industry partners, last year we raised over £48,000 at our first virtual event.
“With ongoing restrictions, we decided to continue in a virtual setting this year to continue our work to help bring safe water, sanitation and toilets to many people in our link country projects in Malawi.”
“We are looking forward to having some fun again for a great cause! From comedy to cocktails – it’s sure to be a great evening, so book your place now!”
A basic ticket price for the event is set at £30 per household and can be purchased as a single ticket or as part of a corporate package. Don’t miss out and e-mail SNI@wateraid.org or wateraid@niwater.com for more details.
NI Water and its industry partners are committed to fundraising and supporting local talent and the entertainment industry, despite ongoing restrictions. The need for funds is critical and the crucial role of clean water and good hygiene has never been more essential in the fight against COVID-19.
NI Water is proud to help WaterAid achieve its goal - working towards a world where everyone, everywhere has clean water and decent sanitation.
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office by email at press.office@niwater.com