A Wave of Free Lessons & Waterbutts
04 February 2021 10:45

To launch new online learning resources and virtual water lessons for primary schools, NI Water is offering a free waterbutt for your school!
Available just in time to help support teachers and pupils during this current period of home learning, resources include virtual lessons exploring the Wonderful World of Water.
Anna Killen, Outreach and Learning Officer at NI Water explains “Our educational classroom visits are always an extremely popular resource, visiting over 50,000 pupils per year. In order to continue this valuable resource during this lockdown period, we developed new ways to interact with pupils to ensure the valuable lessons covering water and the environment continues.
“Our three new educational videos and accompanying follow up activities have been designed around the KS2 Curriculum and help teachers explore the topics of the water cycle, saving water and cleaning water in an informative and engaging way. The virtual lessons can be accessed by teachers by emailing education@niwater.com
“Once you have requested the virtual lessons, simply fill in our survey on what you thought to get a FREE waterbutt for your school.*
“Water is one of the most precious resources on earth and something we often take for granted. We turn on the tap without giving a second thought about how much water we are actually using but climate change, global warming and population growth are putting pressure on our water supply, even within Northern Ireland, a country where it always seems to rain.
To further inspire pupils to save water at home, we have free water saving devices available to order, pupils can request these (with a little help from parents) and have them delivered straight to their homes by simply visiting https://www.savewatersavemoney.co.uk/.
To find out more visit https://www.niwater.com/resources-for-schools/
*limited to two waterbutts to school
For more information please contact press.office@niwater.com