Keeping the topic of Water flowing with new virtual education lessons!
02 October 2020 16:55

It’s back to school but not as we know it for NI Water’s Education Team. NI Water have created new online lessons to help keep the topic of water flowing in schools.
Anna Killen, Outreach and Learning Officer at NI Water explains:
“The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted how vital clean water and sanitation are to us all. It is more important than ever that we educate our children about the watercycle and how we all have a responsibility to look after this vital resource.
“Water is always a popular topic for schools and our visits are normally fully booked up to a year in advance. With the new guidelines we have had to adapt our education programme to ensure we keep the topic of water alive.
“We may be unable to physically enter classrooms across the country but we have been working hard to create free online and virtual lessons and resources for schools covering the topic of the watercycle, how we clean our water and saving water.
“We are also delighted to be able to continue our successful Refill School programme and have developed a resource pack to guide schools through the process of becoming a Refill School and saying NO to single use plastic water bottles. As part of this we also proud to be offering schools free reusable water bottles for all pupils and teachers.”
If you would like to avail of NI Water’s online resources or take part in a virtual talk please contact