Sewer Works Commence – Castle Street Car Park, Ballymena
13 February 2020 15:13

The proposed construction work will involve the laying of approximately 100 metres of storm sewer and associated manholes to serve a new development.
NI Water has liaised closely with the Department for Infrastructure and Mid & East Antrim Council to try to minimise the impact of these works on residents, road / car park users and the public. In order to carry out the work on the road safely, it will be necessary to have a temporary lane closure on the Larne Road Link for the duration of the works. Vehicular access will be maintained for residents but may be subject to delay, pedestrian access will be available at all times.
As the sewer is being laid through the Car Park on Castle Street, a section of the car park will be unavailable. During this time only one entrance/exit to the car park will be in use, our contractor will have temporary traffic management arrangement in place within the car park to facilitate this. The remainder of the car park will remain open to the public throughout the works.
Normal working hours will be 8.00am to 5.00pm; however, it may be necessary on occasions for the work to be undertaken outside of these hours. Works on the A26 Larne Link Road are restricted to 9.30am to 4.00pm to minimise traffic disruption to traffic as far as possible.
NI Water and our contractor BSG Civil Engineering Ltd. would like to thank the public in advance for their patience and co-operation as we undertaken these essential works.
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office on 02890 354710 or email