Celebrate World Water Week & Make Every Drop Count
22 March 2018 15:30

NI Water is asking us to focus our attention on the importance of water both in our own homes and in developing countries.
Pat McCauley, NI Water’s Outreach and Learning Officer comments, “Each day NI Water provides 570 million litres of fresh drinking water and takes away 340 million litres of wastewater, ensuring everyone has access to safe clean water and sanitation.
“World Water Week is a global week of action, and a chance to come together to raise awareness of the water, sanitation and hygiene crisis in developing countries. When a community in a developing country receives clean water for the first time, it creates a powerful ripple, saving lives and improving people’s health, education and livelihoods. They make ‘every drop count’ and so should we. That is why we decided to theme our annual schools competition around saving water.
“In Northern Ireland, our average daily consumption is 153 litres of water – which means we have more than enough to do us which is great, however, it can make us wasteful.
“The competition wants children to focus on designing a poster about the importance of saving water and the little things they can do every day to make sure ‘every drops counts’. Small steps such as turning the tap off when you brush your teeth or fixing dripping taps can make a huge difference.”
The competition is open to KS2 pupils in all primary schools in Northern Ireland, with a category for Special Needs Schools. Prize money for each category is up for grabs along with a goody bag for each winning pupil presented at an awards ceremony at NI Water’s Wastewater Heritage Centre in Belfast in June 2018.
Further information and details of how to enter, are available by contacting the education team at education@niwater.com
Full details of the competition can be found at https://www.niwater.com/competition/
The entry deadline is Friday 4th May 2018.
NI Water works closely with the charity WaterAid who are celebrating World Water Day by going #Blue4Water, visit www.wateraid.org to find out how you can take part to help end the water and sanitation crisis and donate.