Vandalism at Lab in Dunmurry poses a serious risk
09 August 2012 15:23

During a site investigation recently, a member of staff noticed that a number of windows at the old lab building in Dunmurry had been broken. Further investigation revealed additional damage to the internal doors and ceilings of the property.
NI Water representative, John Bell, who has been dealing with the break-in, explained:
“While such actions may be considered harmless fun or a victimless crime, NI Water would like to stress that there are serious risks, not only to those carrying out the break-in, but also to the public and the environment.
“We would appeal to those involved to think about their behaviour and stop immediately. There is also the added risk that young children could enter the site, exposing them to serious injury.”
The cost of repairing the damage is also a factor. This work creates a needless drain on resources that could be better used to improve services to the local community.
NI Water needs the help and support of the whole community to protect these vital resources and is calling on those engaging in these acts to cease immediately.
To report an incident at any NI Water site, please phone Waterline on 08457 440088.