Using Water Wisely
28 April 2011 13:47

NI Water’s Head of Water Supply, Charlie Gallagher, explains:
“NI Water takes pride in delivering one of Northern Ireland’s most essential services and last year delivered over 632 million litres of water each day to customers. At peak times this was as high as 860 million litres a day.
“NI Water continually monitors levels in reservoirs and takes steps to maximise water storage. However, we need our customers to be ‘water wise’ and realise the importance of conserving water. The public can play a vital part by reducing demand for water and avoiding wastage by following some of NI Water’s helpful tips:
ӢUsing dishwater to water plants;
ӢUsing watering cans around the garden instead of hosepipes and sprinklers;
ӢFilling a jug of water and placing it in the fridge to cool
ӢUsing buckets to wash the car instead of a hosepipe;
ӢNot leaving taps running longer than necessary, for example when brushing teeth or washing vegetables; and
ӢMend leaking taps - taps that drip once a second, result in the loss of 33 litres of water a day.
Customers can also log onto our Youtube channel – to view NI Water’s video demonstrating ways to save water around the home and garden.”
NI Water is continuing to reduce leakage from its pipework, however, we would ask for the ongoing support of customers. You are our eyes and ears, if you see a leak, please report it to Leakline 0800 282011 or Waterline 08457 440088.
If you would like to assess your own water usage, please fill out NI Water’s Home Water Audit by logging onto and click on the leaflet ‘Home Water Audit’.