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how to save water


Join the Refillution

Since the launch of NI Water’s Refillution campaign in May 2019, through the work of our Councils, we are all improving our environment locally and globally by refilling a reusable bottle instead of buying a single use plastic one.

Ards and North Down Council have signed up over 150 businesses welcoming any member of the public to refill their reusable bottle with tap water.

Mid and East Antrim Council have signed up over 90 businesses across the borough where you can refill a reusable bottle with tap water

The shops and cafes show a ‘Refill Here’ sticker in the window and a Refillution poster.

A number of other Councils have begun to roll out their campaign locally as well as supporting Refillution with beach and river cleans in their local area.


NI Water can provide all of the Councils areas and the participating businesses with a ‘Toolkit’ of materials to support the roll-out of Refillution in their Borough.

This includes:

A number of reusable bottles

Window stickers


Joint press

Council magazine articles

If you or your business would like to get involved and ‘Join the Refillution,’ contact the relevant Council in your area.

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