Formed in 2006, NI Water Alpha is a public health utility, which has the responsibility for the production and supply of 47% of the total supply of potable water to Northern Ireland Water for onward supply to c.400k customers in Northern Ireland. NI Water Alpha Limited has 30 employees. A management team of 5 provide strategic direction and management of the business (Band 3a and 3b) supported by a frontline workforce (Band 4/5/6) delivering operational services on behalf of the business.
Critically this includes the delivery of clean, safe drinking water to hospitals, schools, farms and many other important community organisations as well as businesses. Among these customers are the sick, the elderly and some of our most vulnerable citizens. Ensuring the continuity of this essential service to customers is therefore viewed as vital not only by NI Water Alpha Limited but by the population and its elected representatives. The treatment and consistent supply of c.275 million litres of high quality drinking water every day requires significant levels of largely unseen intervention to operate, repair and maintain the associated infrastructure and assets. The delivery of these services (on a 24/7, 365 basis) is dependent upon a motivated, flexible and technically skilled workforce.
Kelda Water Services Alpha Limited was acquired by Northern Ireland Water Limited on 20th November 2017 and rebranded as Northern Ireland Water Alpha Limited. The existing Public Private Partnership contract has been maintained and the management of the Client (NI Water) and Funders remains integral to the operation of the business.
For more information, please email Recruitment[AT]niwater[DOT]com or call 028 9035 4813 Extension 20929
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